Oil Price Blame Game

I’m seeing a lot of social media posts blaming the current administration for the recent rise in the price of oil. These posts invariably garner a lot of Republican likes and Democrat rebuttals. Arrogance and snark follow, usually devolving into name-calling. What bothers me is that most of the participants speak fluent not-checking-my-facts-before-opening-my-piehole. Inaccuracies aboundContinue reading “Oil Price Blame Game”

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Established Science

There is a lot of buzz about what constitutes ‘established science’ on social media these days. It’s largely mentioned in fights between anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, COVID-19 minimizers (or outright disbelievers) and their respective opponents. You’ve probably seen memes about how ‘science’ told us it was okay to spray kids with DDT or told usContinue reading “Established Science”

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Everyone on social media in America has seen a GoFundMe for some deserving person with a treatable condition and appalling medical bills they can’t afford. It’s become a regular staple of our digital lives. Cancer diagnosis? GoFundMe. Car wreck? GoFundMe. It’s become clear that a lot of us can’t afford to be ill. Public fundContinue reading “GoFundYourself”

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Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner

People who use this phrase always seem to use it to defend their censure of people who refuse to act or believe the same way that they do. Evangelicals who fought tooth and nail against gay marriage are a recent example that springs to mind. It seems a terribly perverse defense to use the wordContinue reading “Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner”

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Participation Trophies

Children are inexperienced, not stupid. So why do we treat them like they don’t have eyes or brains? When they see a table full of trophies at an awards ceremony for their little league team or spelling bee or whatever else, they will notice that there is one big one, one a little smaller, oneContinue reading “Participation Trophies”

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Hating Freedom

They hate freedom! This phrase and variations have become a stock answer for a variety of questions. It gets repeated so often, it goes unquestioned. Why do so many Arab Muslims feel that America is evil? They must hate freedom. Why do Democrats want to tax the rich to pay for universal health care? TheyContinue reading “Hating Freedom”

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Glorifying Violence

Why is it that a brutally severed human torso is acceptable for public broadcast so long as any female nipples are covered? What kind of sense does that make? Crime shows vie to show new and more graphic violence in each episide. You can witness body parts being stabbed with random implements and watch theContinue reading “Glorifying Violence”

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Living Off The Land

There was a time when there was an inherent ‘Plan B’ for almost anyone. Given all sorts of possible disasters, a person could load up their family and a few posessions and drive up past the end of a dirt road. There, they could stake out a future in the wilderness and make due withContinue reading “Living Off The Land”

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This is Going to End Badly

I’m no psychic. I’m just concerned that things have gotten badly out of hand and there may be no way out without some pretty ugly conflicts. In years past, anti-vaxxers were a small subculture of homebodies trading vinegar toxic cleanse recipes in the back alleys of the internet. No one took them seriously because theyContinue reading “This is Going to End Badly”

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Thou Art God

No. Really. The power of a god, to an individual, is proportional to their ability to impact their life. I suggest, then, that everyone is more powerful than any god, real or imagined, from that person’s perspective. Look back. Who has made the biggest impact on your life? Who pulled up the bootstraps and gotContinue reading “Thou Art God”

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