Established Science

There is a lot of buzz about what constitutes ‘established science’ on social media these days. It’s largely mentioned in fights between anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, COVID-19 minimizers (or outright disbelievers) and their respective opponents. You’ve probably seen memes about how ‘science’ told us it was okay to spray kids with DDT or told usContinue reading “Established Science”

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Bodily Integrity

“My Body, My Choice.” has become a catch phrase of both liberals and conservatives recently. Far from an indication of some new unity of purpose or compromise, it is an ironic sign of how polarized politics have become. On one side, you have the political left claiming that people, specifically women, have the right toContinue reading “Bodily Integrity”

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On Leaving the LDS Church

I was born into a Mormon family and some of my earliest memories are of singing cute songs about sunbeams and apricot blossoms alongside things I didn’t really understand. Mormon indoctrination is highly systematic. They start with fun stuff, program you with rote learning by song, then load on important decisions and responsibility before youContinue reading “On Leaving the LDS Church”

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American Guns

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Ask ten people what this means and you’ll get ten different answers. Is it a right to individual possession of revolutionary war era weaponry? A right for wellContinue reading “American Guns”

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The Miracle Paradox

Miracles are what makes a god godly. No matter your idea of god, the truth is that no one would waste a moment worshipping a god that could not perform miracles. What is a miracle? You could say a miracle is any action of a god that alters reality to a strongly positive outcome. You’veContinue reading “The Miracle Paradox”

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This One Weird Trick Discovered by a Dad May Save Humanity

We all hate the endless parade of blinking, shaking, bouncing, gyrating ads vying for our attention. Little did we know how bad it could get. These days, we have to actively filter content because the ads look just like the news stories and every headline is carefully crafted to collect clicks, regardless of usefulness orContinue reading “This One Weird Trick Discovered by a Dad May Save Humanity”

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Bald is Not a Hair Color

Disbelief is not a claim. The particular argument that is pissing me off at the moment is the claim that atheism is a religious belief. This is absurd. Atheism is a religious belief in the same way bald is a hair color and hot water is a variety of tea. Skepticism is the default position.Continue reading “Bald is Not a Hair Color”

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My Lucky Day

It’s Friday the 13th. An ominous day to start a new blog. Well, it would be if luck was real. It’s amazing how much the idea of luck infects our thinking. We’ve all seen a cheesy meme with a vague promise of ‘good things’ that will happen if you ‘like and share’ and bad thingsContinue reading “My Lucky Day”

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